I've had so much fun over the past two weekends dyeing some yarn and spinning some too! Here are just a few of the results of the many yarns I have spun/dyed over the past fortnight..
The first thing I did, was finish up spinning the remaining sari silk fibre (from one of my recent posts) and it has turned out beautifully! I think my spinning is really improving and I've been working on it most days. The yarn is not that even yet but I don't mind because that's why I love handspun!
I've had a couple of attempts at dyeing some roving but it has felted everytime, I used the lowest heat and it still felted. Does anyone have any tips on how to not felt your fibre😂?
So I decided, instead of dyeing the roving, to spin it first, and then dye it. It gave very interesting results and I think the colours are absolutely gorgeous. I dyed this handspun yarn in the same pot as some commercially spun yarn to see how different the results would be. Safe to say, I think the handspun turned out better 😉😉.
I'm no dyeing expert and am only doing it for fun. I followed tutorials from @chemknits
who shows you how to dye with things in the house (I used food colouring and vinegar and it's worked perfectly)!
Thanks for reading
Joe :))